February 8, 2021 2024-03-07 8:15Library

"What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education" - Harold Howe
The spacious, well-stocked, FOUR-STOREYED library acts as a one-stop destination for the knowledge quest of our students from all the Divisions. The libraries have age-appropriate books. The expert staff guide the students to the robust resources and the students have fun by engaging in such diverse collections.
Libraries are a silent zone. Knowledge can certainly be acquired and absorbed better in a serene environment by the students in the Primary Division.
The Library hours promote curiosity, innovation, and critical thinking and the Middle grade students develop desirable study habits.
The Library specifically designed for the Secondary Grade students gives them access to ready references available on a particular topic.
Books articulated by renowned scholars are available in the Senior Secondary Library and the students get the ultimate benefit of referring the same.
Students of class V and above are given a week's time to return the books borrowed from the Library.
The spacious, well-stocked, FOUR-STOREYED library acts as a one-stop destination for the knowledge quest of our students from all the Divisions. The libraries have age-appropriate books. The expert staff guide the students to the robust resources and the students have fun by engaging in such diverse collections.
Libraries are a silent zone. Knowledge can certainly be acquired and absorbed better in a serene environment by the students in the Primary Division.
The Library hours promote curiosity, innovation, and critical thinking and the Middle grade students develop desirable study habits.
The Library specifically designed for the Secondary Grade students gives them access to ready references available on a particular topic.
Books articulated by renowned scholars are available in the Senior Secondary Library and the students get the ultimate benefit of referring the same.
Students of class V and above are given a week's time to return the books borrowed from the Library.