Physical Education
February 3, 2024 2024-03-07 8:22Physical Education

Physical Education is part of the curriculum. It includes skills development and physical fitness.
Athletics and various other physical activities improve the overall psycho-motor skills and agility of the students.
The students of classes VI -XII are grouped under six different houses at 3 Levels.
Houses - Ganga, Godavari, Yamuna, Cauvery, Krishna, Narmada
VI - VIII - U14 - Juniors
IX & X - U17 - Seniors
XI & XII - U19 - Super Seniors
In each house, there are 2 Divisions - One for the boys and the other for the girls. Tournaments are conducted House-wise separately for Boys and Girls and Prizes are awarded.
The playground in a vast area has the infrastructure equipped with all facilities to conduct Outdoor games - Basketball, Cricket Net Practice, Hockey, Football, Volleyball, Skating, Tennis and Track and Field events.
Indoor games - Chess, Carrom and Table Tennis are conducted inside the campus.
Athletics and various other physical activities improve the overall psycho-motor skills and agility of the students.
The students of classes VI -XII are grouped under six different houses at 3 Levels.
Houses - Ganga, Godavari, Yamuna, Cauvery, Krishna, Narmada
VI - VIII - U14 - Juniors
IX & X - U17 - Seniors
XI & XII - U19 - Super Seniors
In each house, there are 2 Divisions - One for the boys and the other for the girls. Tournaments are conducted House-wise separately for Boys and Girls and Prizes are awarded.
The playground in a vast area has the infrastructure equipped with all facilities to conduct Outdoor games - Basketball, Cricket Net Practice, Hockey, Football, Volleyball, Skating, Tennis and Track and Field events.
Indoor games - Chess, Carrom and Table Tennis are conducted inside the campus.
Sports and games play a vital role in the school curriculum and command equal importance with academics. One of the major events that is filled with fun, frolic and competition is the Annual Sports Day, for the students of classes VI - VIII (Juniors) and IX - XII (Seniors & Super Seniors). Sports Day brings out their various sporting talents and makes a few as champions. Various intra-mural tournaments are conducted.
The day is marked with an Opening Ceremony and a Closing Ceremony. The celebration begins with the lighting of the sports torch, oath-taking, colourful display of balloons, flag-hoisting and retreat.
The young sports personalities with the best skills are recognised as the winners of the various events and are honoured with medals and certificates.
The Annual Sports Day for Juniors, Seniors and Super Seniors will be conducted on different dates.
The photographs of the prize winners of the competitions / tournaments and the participants of the programmes, of both the Annual Day and the Sports Day Celebrations, will be uploaded to the website. The parents can download the same. Video CDs of the programmes will not be made available.
The day is marked with an Opening Ceremony and a Closing Ceremony. The celebration begins with the lighting of the sports torch, oath-taking, colourful display of balloons, flag-hoisting and retreat.
The young sports personalities with the best skills are recognised as the winners of the various events and are honoured with medals and certificates.
The Annual Sports Day for Juniors, Seniors and Super Seniors will be conducted on different dates.
The photographs of the prize winners of the competitions / tournaments and the participants of the programmes, of both the Annual Day and the Sports Day Celebrations, will be uploaded to the website. The parents can download the same. Video CDs of the programmes will not be made available.