School Transport
February 16, 2024 2024-04-04 4:52School Transport

Transport facility is provided, on payment, from the stipulated stopping points of different localities as listed in the school website.
The prescribed routes cannot be altered or extended due to operational constraints. The students commute to the school, either by the school transport or with their parents/guardian or by bicycle/ on foot.
They should not commute using private hired vehicles. If any student commutes through hired vehicle, it is the responsibility of the drivers of such private vehicles, to follow the rules, regulations and orders passed by the Honourable Supreme Court of India, the CBSE New Delhi and the Government of Tamil Nadu. Parents who resort to such private vehicles must be prepared to send their children at their own risk and responsibility.
The Management after taking into consideration the safety of the students, has increased the number of buses to suit the needs of the students from various areas. The transport fees is fixed based on different slabs depending upon the distance covered.
At the end of each academic year, before 31st January, the parents who wish to avail transport facility for their ward must submit the application. Every year, inclusions and withdrawals are inevitable. The statistical details are required for a proper operational planning. The buses ply in various routes to the full capacity. So, it is not possible for inclusion during the course of the academic year.
In case of any inclusions after 31st January, it will be accepted on payment of an entry fee, depending upon the seat availability. The parents who seek new admission can give their willingness for availing the school transport facility at the time of registration and remit the fee at the time of admission.
A transport chart, furnishing the details of the bus route number, pick-up and drop time in the morning and in the evening respectively, will be uploaded to the school website for all the parents who remit the Transport fees.
The parents should specifically mention the stopping point number. Change of stopping point is permitted, on written request and on payment of the requisite charges, which will be added with the next term fees.
It is the responsibility of the parents to help the students board the bus and receive them at the respective bus stops at the fixed time. Parents are requested to be in the bus stop at least ten minutes prior to the prescribed time for both boarding and alighting.
CCTV camera is installed in each bus. The movement of the bus can be tracked by the parents as it has GPS facility.
The school transport students will commute by school bus during functions and on all important festival days except on the days of Educational Tour for classes VI-XI. The students in the respective bus stops are required to stand in a proper queue order from the lowest class to the highest class and board the bus. The Inspection officers will be strict in enforcing these rules in letter and spirit.
The parents must submit the Stopping point, Escort details and the bus crew will strictly adhere to this information.
The parents must also inform to school about any change in the escort for a particular day, either through email or through a letter.
The bus conductor will not allow the student to alight at the stopping point along with a new escort, if the information has not reached the school. The student will be brought back to the school and the parents must come to school for picking up their ward.
The Management will strive hard to operate the transport according to the schedule. The parents are requested to bear with any inconvenience due to any unavoidable delay in operation.
Parents should not have any dealing or personal contact with the driver / or the conductor for whatever reason. The school will take utmost care for the safety of the students. However, for any untoward happenings beyond human control, the School Management should not be held responsible.
Parents are required to counsel and advise their wards suitably in this regard.
The prescribed routes cannot be altered or extended due to operational constraints. The students commute to the school, either by the school transport or with their parents/guardian or by bicycle/ on foot.
They should not commute using private hired vehicles. If any student commutes through hired vehicle, it is the responsibility of the drivers of such private vehicles, to follow the rules, regulations and orders passed by the Honourable Supreme Court of India, the CBSE New Delhi and the Government of Tamil Nadu. Parents who resort to such private vehicles must be prepared to send their children at their own risk and responsibility.
The Management after taking into consideration the safety of the students, has increased the number of buses to suit the needs of the students from various areas. The transport fees is fixed based on different slabs depending upon the distance covered.
At the end of each academic year, before 31st January, the parents who wish to avail transport facility for their ward must submit the application. Every year, inclusions and withdrawals are inevitable. The statistical details are required for a proper operational planning. The buses ply in various routes to the full capacity. So, it is not possible for inclusion during the course of the academic year.
In case of any inclusions after 31st January, it will be accepted on payment of an entry fee, depending upon the seat availability. The parents who seek new admission can give their willingness for availing the school transport facility at the time of registration and remit the fee at the time of admission.
A transport chart, furnishing the details of the bus route number, pick-up and drop time in the morning and in the evening respectively, will be uploaded to the school website for all the parents who remit the Transport fees.
The parents should specifically mention the stopping point number. Change of stopping point is permitted, on written request and on payment of the requisite charges, which will be added with the next term fees.
It is the responsibility of the parents to help the students board the bus and receive them at the respective bus stops at the fixed time. Parents are requested to be in the bus stop at least ten minutes prior to the prescribed time for both boarding and alighting.
CCTV camera is installed in each bus. The movement of the bus can be tracked by the parents as it has GPS facility.
The school transport students will commute by school bus during functions and on all important festival days except on the days of Educational Tour for classes VI-XI. The students in the respective bus stops are required to stand in a proper queue order from the lowest class to the highest class and board the bus. The Inspection officers will be strict in enforcing these rules in letter and spirit.
The parents must submit the Stopping point, Escort details and the bus crew will strictly adhere to this information.
The parents must also inform to school about any change in the escort for a particular day, either through email or through a letter.
The bus conductor will not allow the student to alight at the stopping point along with a new escort, if the information has not reached the school. The student will be brought back to the school and the parents must come to school for picking up their ward.
The Management will strive hard to operate the transport according to the schedule. The parents are requested to bear with any inconvenience due to any unavoidable delay in operation.
Parents should not have any dealing or personal contact with the driver / or the conductor for whatever reason. The school will take utmost care for the safety of the students. However, for any untoward happenings beyond human control, the School Management should not be held responsible.
Parents are required to counsel and advise their wards suitably in this regard.